It has been a fun couple of weeks of 'wrapping up summer'. Ample beachtime with grandparents, then Micah heading off to Nana camp meant Mommy-Simeon time. Fun, relaxing and soooo summer.
The past week has been a scorcher of a week. We have played at the beach some which has been great, but I have also found myself not that eager to get outside for a few days. Instead I have found myself 'playing with pictures'. I love living in a place with distinct seasons, and though I have long fought seasonality at different times, I find myself enjoying the pace of different months and seasons now. I look forward to fall, but am embracing even the days that are too warm to spend much time outside. It means more time to take care of the inside things. It means a quiet pace for a few days. I like that.
BC (before children), we loved to backpack. Many of our vacations were spent either backpacking or rockclimbing. We now live a very different life as city dwellers (and as parents), though we have retained a love for the outdoors and a desire to share this with our children. This weekend with tackled our first overnight adventure as a family of four. Sure, there was no peakbagging going on, but it was incredible watching our almost 4 year old hike through mud and creeks and over roots for 2 miles without complaining (though I readily admit to incentivizing with M&Ms). I love this phase of life - and love the way that children change our perspective on things. Never has filtering water been such an adventure or the tent been so incredible exciting. I have always enjoyed the peace and quiet of the backwoods and always slept peacefully next to a creek or waterfall, but each piece of the trip was so very much more enjoyable.
This is a first for me - but this will be sort of a store review as well as pictures of some amazing products. Hatched is a wonderful little boutique just down the street from me in Jamaica Plain. They specialize in ecofriendly baby clothes and toys. Not only does the owner, Liz, carry an amazing array of adorable clothes and really amazing timeless toys that you can feel good about your children playing with, but she has an excellent understanding of the whys as well. My favorite thing in our home (pictured) is the kid's kitchen with which my little people play for hours on end. Here is just a sampling of some of the wonderful things that Hatched carries -- stay tuned for some shots of their great clothes 'in action'.
I am a photographer specializing in fine art baby and child photography in the Boston area. I love to photograph little ones and their interactions with the world around them.