This Blogpost is worth reading the words as well as looking at the pictures. I asked Susanna to write the post because she is so gifted with words. (For more of her beautiful writing, she blogs at
"The experts say you arenʼt supposed to make any major decisions for a year after experiencing traumatic loss. Well, I didnʼt listen. The year after my husband died was filled with ups and downs and some choices Iʼd prefer to forget... with one notable exception. I bought my dream house. And itʼs perfect. The past four months have been busy with extensive remodeling and we have a few more months to go before itʼs entirely livable. The house was built in 1925, and though perfect, needed a few upgrades in order to be efficient. When I lost Andy there was a profound rift in the place I had once invested so much love and so many dreams. Not only was there a rift, but, over time, there was a build up of displaced love. We were, all of us, created to invest in others. I had three beautiful children, but I understood, from day one, that they needed to grow up and leave home and be free of unhealthy anchors to a grieving mother. But, then, like a little miracle, I found my house and I reinvested. I know itʼs a house. I know it doesnʼt love me back, but itʼs a receptacle for all things me. I love this project. Itʼs a brand new beginning and yet, so many things about my house are culminations of dreams I had as a child. The old meets the new. Thereʼs even a secret passageway. And, itʼs not only for me. My children need this too...a place to explore and make their own...a house in the city that now has a street named after their father. Itʼs only right. So, when my dear friend Janice came to visit, I asked her to take some photos (with her signature grace) of me and the kids at the new house. Just as I had hoped, she captured the excitement, discovery, and cohesiveness of our little family. And, at the center of it all is our beautiful house." (Susanna Widman,

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